Aging Fitfully: Preserving Functional Fitness Regardless of Age or Limitation

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Sherrie Evenson
179 pages

Aging Fitfully: Preserving Functional Fitness Regardless of Age or Limitation presents an encouraging and accessible approach to exercise and fitness. The sound, practical, and pertinent information in Aging Fitfully can be used to progressively improve your fitness and quality of life, no matter your current physical condition. Sherrie`s never-ending desire to help people feel better by moving correctly is apparent on every page of this highly informative and easy-to-read book.

This book is organized into three sections, Part One: Talking About It, Part Two: Doing It, and Appendix: Here to Help (Tools and References).

Part One: Talking About It provides a solid educational foundation, intended to help individuals, as well as those assisting others with their exercise program. It discusses the areas of aerobic fitness, muscular strength/endurance, flexibility, and balance. Current guidelines are addressed for healthy people as well as older individuals and people with disabilities. Included is a wealth of information for people who may deal with any number of health issues. Dozens of medical conditions, many often seen with aging, are discussed that may affect how safely and comfortably a person can exercise.

Part Two: Doing It is where the action is. Page after page of both basic and specialized programs are assembled for warming up, muscle strengthening, balance, and stretching. Beginning or maintenance level, this manual is designed to be user-friendly and take the guesswork out of the endless exercise choices, providing something for