Nutrition Recommendations for Pre-, During, and Post-Exercise

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Now: $27.50
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Jacqueline R. Berning
73 minutes
Nutrition Recommendations for Pre-, During, and Post-Exercise explains how to make wise food choices for increased athletic performance. The DVD presents a science-based, joint position statement from the American Dietetic Association, the American College of Sports Medicine, and Dieticians of Canada regarding nutrition and hydration recommendations for athletes. These recommendations include a discussion of the optimal timing of consumption, as well as the types and amounts of foods and fluids, that are required. In addition, the DVD reviews special considerations for certain sports that make the achievement of optimal nutrition and hydration a challenge. The DVD also espouses the mantra that food (and fluid) is fuel.

Among the topics covered:
  • Sports nutrition recommendations
  • Pre-exercise
  • Nutrition realities
  • During exercise
  • Recovery nutrition
  • High school football team