Wellness Coaching: Supporting Clients to Engage Fully in Wellness

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Now: $27.50
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Margaret Moore
56 minutes
Wellness Coaching: Supporting Clients to Engage Fully in Wellness provides a compelling overview of the key factors involved in wellness coaching. Featuring one of the iconic professionals in her field, the DVD offers an invaluable resource for any member of the medical wellness industry who is interested in pursuing wellness coaching as a vocation. The DVD examines the impact that wellness coaches can have on the health level of their clients. The DVD also points out how wellness coaches can help construct a wellness plan for those with whom they work.

Among the topics covered: 

• Definition of health and wellness coaching 
• Coaching outcomes: what do we measure? 
• Client example 
• Physician/expert & coach relationships 
• Get out of sales and into fishing 
• Elicit motivation 
• Develop capacity to change 
• Positivity is the mechanismof action 
• Facilitate process of change 
• Constructing a wellness plan