Sarcopenia-Characteristics, Mechanisms, and Functional Significance

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Marco Narici
53 minutes
Sarcopenia-Characteristics, Mechanisms, and Functional Significance presents an overview of several of the key issues attendant to sarcopenia, a component of the frailty syndrome that is characterized by a degenerative loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength associated with aging. The DVD points out that there are two basic classes of sarcopenia and details the differences between the two. The DVD also reviews the fact that sarcopenia can lead to obesity. In addition, the DVD discusses how physical activity can be helpful in preventing, as well as treating, sarcopenia.

Among the topics covered:

• An aging world
• Prevalence of class I and class II sarcopaenia
• Epigenetic influences
• Basal protein synthesis and breakdown
• Sarcopenic obesity: the confluence of two epidemics