Indo Boarding: Surfing-Inspired Group Fitness

Was: $55.00
Now: $27.50
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Grace DeSimone, Terrell Pruitt, Marc Santa Maria
35 minutes
Indo Boarding: Surfing-Inspired Group Fitness presents an overview of a totally new, unique, fun, and challenging way to bring new participants into group exercise programs. The DVD details how to create a full-body workout that incorporates the concepts underlying surfing and the inherent benefits of this activity including improved balance and core strength, enhanced flexibility, and a challenging demand on the cardiovascular system. Discover some new and innovative functional training movements that can be performed on a safe, effective, unstable surface and that have applications for a wide range of participants.

Among the topics covered:

• Indo Board basics
• Using The Body Bar®
• Non-standing exercises
• Intermediate class routine
• Using the roller