Have Your Pie and Eat It Too: Building A Purpose & Values-Driven, High-Performance Organization

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Now: $27.50
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Nick Sarillo
62 minutes
Have Your Pie and Eat It Too: Building A Purpose & Value-Driven High-Performance Organization details the value of and the steps involved in creating an organizational culture where everyone is treated with trust, respect, and dignity. Featuring a presentation from a meeting of the renowned REX Roundtables for Executives organization, the DVD explains the need for leaders in the health/fitness club industry to dedicate themselves to learning, teaching, and the ongoing development of other staff members. The DVD also discusses the value of exhibiting trust in the organization`s team, as well as the benefit of providing the team with appropriate feedback.

Among the topics covered:

• Trust
• Our purpose
• Training pyramid
• Leadership behavior
• Feedback model
• Creating "safe space"