Building Strength & Stamina (Third Edition)

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Wayne Westcott
291 pages
The primary focus of Building Strength and Stamina, 3rd edition, is to present research-based exercise principles, training protocols, and conditioning programs that are safe, practical, and productive for increasing muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance in men and women of various ages and fitness levels. The secondary intent of this book is to provide research-based training recommendations for advanced exercisers and high-level athletes. Although this book is not a nutrition textbook, recent research findings regarding the muscle and bone building benefits of higher protein consumption will be presented, along with specific guidelines for optimally increasing protein intake.
    This edition of Building Strength and Stamina also features practical information on warm-ups, cool-downs, and stretching exercises, that is designed to provide a more complete context for experiencing safe and effective exercise sessions. With regard to correct exercise execution, Chapter 5 offers detailed descriptions and precise photographs of properly performed resistance exercises, using free-weights, resistance machines, and bodyweight. Chapter 6 presents properly performed aerobic activity, using cycles, treadmills, rowers, and steppers.
    Among the things that you will learn by reading this book are the following: 
    • A basic and brief program of strength and endurance exercise can increase overall muscle strength by more than 50 percent in 10 weeks, while concurrently adding three pounds of muscle and reducing four pounds of fat. 
    • An advanced and brief program of resistance exercise can further increase muscle strength by more than 20 percent and muscle mass by more than two pounds after 10 weeks of higher intensity training. 